How to maintain yourself by Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually?

How to maintain yourself by Physically, Emotionally and Spiritually?

Prioritize your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical well being. Self care is the vital part of your personal growth.

Care for yourself or maintaining yourself:

You can maintain yourself by connecting with yourself. Now the question arises how can you. connect with yourself. You can connect yourself by giving time to yourself. You should start mediation, deep breathing. By deep breathing you can release your tension. It can play important role in maintaining yourself.

More ever, you can also communicates by others. When you feel tired after working whole day you should to communicate with others and gossips with others and enjoy yourself and this is the one way you can release your stress, tiredness of the whole day and also you get new ideas related to your business, job also helpful ideas to achieving your goals.

Furthermore, you can also care yourself by taking good care of your physical , spiritual and emotional health. If you are physically , spiritually and emotionally healthy you can fulfill your goal. If you have a command to control your own self. If you can control your own to tackle yourself in any situation you have a grip then you can become a successful person in your life.

Physical Health:

Physical health is defined as an organism's normal function at all levels, the standard path of biological processes required for individual survival and reproduction, the dynamic equilibrium of an organism and its processes with the external milieu, involvement in socially beneficial work, the performance of essential social functions, the absence of illnesses, painful situations, and the body's capacity to adapt to the constantly changing environment.

Here are the some tips for physical health:

  1. Take care of your diet.
  2. Take care of your hygiene.
  3. Enjoy everyday by yourself.
  4. Don't depends on others.
  5. Focus on your life instead of your illness.

Spiritual Health:

The word “spirit” is derived from the Latin words “spiritus” (meaning breath, courage, vigor, or soul) and the word “spirare” (meaning to breathe).Spiritual care refers to any support related to questions about life’s meaning, depending on the person’s values and beliefs. It is much broader than formal religious practices. The kind of spiritual care required will differ for every person.

Here are the some tips for spiritual health:

  1. To do yoga on your daily bases.
  2. Practicing mediation in your life on daily basis.
  3. Keep practicing of religious obligations in your life on daily bases.
  4. Think positively.

Emotional Health:

Emotional health is about how we think and feel. It is about our sense of wellbeing, our ability to cope with life events and how we acknowledge our own emotions as well as those of others. It doesn’t mean being happy all of the time.

Here are the some tips for emotional health:

  1. Focus on your strength.
  2. Sleep well.
  3. Release your stress.
  4. Don't emotionally connect with others.